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My Cuimhne Leabhar (Memory Book

  • Writer's pictureTumble - Nathaniel Hammel

This is My Cuimhne Leabhar (Memory Book): My Book of Shadows

Updated: Oct 18, 2020

There was a time when the earth itself was once thought of more deeply ... thoughts like the cleanliness of our elements that keep us alive.  

To the Elementals, I  Promise I Give

I know that the Earth is most Important of all elements. Earth represents the solidarity of you, a vessel that is connected by gravity... this rotating that lets us never break that connection ever. Earth gives us a place to be in the existence of our Heaven & Hell. Earth represents the the first Mother known as our Triple Goddess.  Earth shares it ability to have life inhabit everything on it or in it. Earth is strong for us, and shows us how strong we can be. So in response I will give my pledge, as a Druid should, and protect this land the best I. As a Wiccan I give a sacrifice of commitment and my life. As both druid and Wiccan, I will grasp and love like gravity to your womb my Mother, and live my life in this day fully in thanks to you and the life you continue to sustain for me and for all ... so mote it be.

Beyond a doubt it takes the element of Air to be able to live on our Mother's Earth. Air is our Lord our Father who breaths life into us every time we inhale. Our father loves to dance with our Lady the Mother, and he dances gracefully around her.  Yet he has abundant power, as he sometimes uses, when he spins and twirls her around him.  Air is a necessity, and we can't dance without this elemental force. Like both our Mother and Father, and theirs to alike, that take care of the living children here on earth, has to take both of them to create more life.  I will give you back my druid breath as a gift to keep both my Lord and Lady alice and well too, as we all know that plant life is the source of Air, and our exhale is the plants life and well being.  My wiccan self will do little harm to that breath I give back; that health & the type of things I eat will come first, that the things I use on my body will keep me clean ... so mote it be.

Once upon a time both man and woman new the absolute truth behind what 'unconditional love' is. We knew that family was the most important thing to carry on existence. That our children and their children would make a tree the grow bigger and stronger than any other. Fire is the core to existence anywhere. This is what a Daughter is, and a daughter is pure Light. She is the hope we all strive to be ... perfect. She is the proof that we will be able to carry on life when the Mother can no longer do so.  My Daughter Fire, note that I respect you, that I love you, that your elemental heat heals me when I feel down; that my smile will linger longer when you are around.  I am a living example how light is something we need to grow tall and proud. So I vow to you, as both Druid and Wiccan, I always and forever will give thanks, and be apart of you always. You are the root of my tree -so mote it be.

With out a Sister there is no such thing as a brother. A brother is the elemental sensation of cool Water and is my son. Water is Fire's brother, the force that can ease the sister's troubles. Can repair any emotion that plagues any member of a family. Water is the desire to keep one refreshed from dirt and messes. Water will keep the demons and evil out. Water has the power to hold Air for life to live within it. I acknowledge you my Brother Water, as a wonderful influence of reflection unto the deeds I do and will do. So my vow to you is to be like Water, and reflect light to battle the darkness. As a Druid I owe you truth and understanding. As a Wiccan I will sacrifice my Blood when you are in of need it. -so mote it be.

I am a Druidic Wiccan.  I am devoted to protecting the Earth & Life. This is the Altar of Tumble & this is my Book of Shadows

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